Teaching is an integral part in the practice of nursing. Every Nurse Educators (NE) plays a fundamental part on the enhancement of the nursing workforce by serving as role models in the improvement on management, implementation and evidence-based practice of an effective patient care. Whether they work in schools or clinical environments, NE equips and guides future patient care providers into future leaders of the nursing profession.
As NP remains in the patient management system, they are also being used consistently in specialized instructions and enhanced trainings to provide precautionary and acute health-care services to consumers of any age (Pohl, Kao, & Hamric, 2014). …show more content…
Coaching competence can be further reinforced by participating in patient education on health, wellness and improvement. Responsible health teachings that are designed to help avert illness, diminish morbidity, promote health and wellness practices, and manage chronic conditions are effective means in improving patient care results (Spross & Babine, 2014). In this respect, NPs must remain consistent in maintaining a culturally sensitive patient-centered care environment by acknowledging patients as part of the decision-making process (National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, …show more content…
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Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing. (2002). Nurse Educator Competencies. Atlanta, GA: Southern Regional Educaiton Board. Retrieved from http://publications.sreb.org/2002/02N04_Nurse_Competencies.pdf
Gray, M. (2014). Evidenced-Based Practice. In A. Hamric, Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (pp. 237-263). MO: Elsevier/Saunders. Retrieved from https://digitalbookshelf.southuniversity.edu/#/books/9781455739806/pages/79912032
Hanson, C. M., & Carter, M. (2014). Collaboration. In A. Hamric, Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (pp. 299-323). MO: Elsevier/Saunders. Retrieved from https://digitalbookshelf.southuniversity.edu/#/books/9781455739806/pages/79912163
National League of Nursing. (2005). Core Competencies of Nurse Educators with Task Statements. Retrieved from http://www.nln.org/profdev/corecompetencies.pdf
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2012). Core Competencies of Nurse Practitioners. NONPF. Retrieved from