Pamela T. Ventura
1. What level of competency of the beginning staff nurse based on their self-evaluation in terms of the 11 nursing core competencies: a. Safety and quality nursing care b. Management of resources and environment c. Health education d. Legal responsibility e. Ethico-moral responsibility f. Personal and professional development g. Quality improvement h. Research i. Records management j. Communication k. Collaboration and teamwork 2. What is the level of competency of the beginning staff nurse in terms of the 11 nursing core competencies based on the evaluation of their head nurse? 3. Is there a significant difference between the self-evaluation of the beginning staff nurses and their head nurses’ evaluation of their level of competence? 4. What competencies are areas of strengths and weakness according to l. The nurse’s self evaluation? m. Head nurse’s evaluation? 5. What components of the nursing core competencies patient safety training program can be developed based on the results of the study?
Rrl core competencies
Title: Academic performance of nursing students vis-a-vis evaluation of teaching learning process of nurse educators
Subjects: PHC1 and 2, Nursing management 100,101,102,103 and 104.
Summative test: Fundamentals of nursing, CHN, MCN, MS
*measures teaching competencies of the nurse educator utilizing checklist by Francisco zulueta.
*mastery of the subject, teaching skills, and management and evaluation skills.
*findings: acad: ave,mean score was poor(theoretical area and summative test) and satisfactory(clinical