Abstract: Much study have already been done in concern with consumer attitudes toward foreign products have been conducted from time to time by various scholars of our country. The study observes that the impact of consumer interest in foreign product arises from foreign travel, branding of product and due to advent of technology etc. Evaluation of the products, however is done on the basis of available alternatives and most of the times by comparison of products. Often there may be some negative attitudes among consumers for foreign products which may arise from number of sources. Sometimes consumer may also think that products from certain countries, e.g., emerging markets, are of inferior quality and hence ‘boycott’ their products. Equally, consumers may have strong emotion of patriotism and pride in domestic products and consider it immoral to buy foreign products. Literature analyses done to examine the attitude of Indian consumers towards foreign products lead towards two streams of research. This includes the impact of the country
of birth on consumer attitudes and specifically, its use as a cue in making inferences about evaluating foreign products. The second thread of research focuses on factors underlying attitudes towards foreign products, such as the impact of hostile attitudes towards a specific country, and the effect on buying intent and ownership. Keywords: attitude, consumer, products, foreign, Indian, impact, Consumer Perception, Global brands, Local brands, consumer preference, Country-of-origin, foreign brand.
1. Introduction
The development and sustenance of the domestic manufacturing sector in a free economy is dependent on consumer acceptance of the goods manufactured in that country. In our country the ratio of people preferring foreign brands is rapidly increasing. Ted Levitt (1985) in one of his research study discussed about a
References: [1] Levitt, Theodore (1983), "The Globalization of Markets," Harvard Business Review, 61 (May-June), pp. 92-102. [2] Han, C. Min (1988), "The Role of Consumer Patriotism in the Choice of Domestic Versus Foreign Products," Journal of Advertising Research, 28 (June/July), pp. 2531. [3] Klein, Jill Gabrielle, Richard Ettenson and Marlene D. Morris (1998), "The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Emprical Test in the People 's Republic of China," Journal of Marketing, 62 (January), pp. 89-100. [4] (Shimp & Sharma, 1987"Anti-German Feelings in the Second Chamber," Elsevier, (April 7).