2. MGB established this office in May 1996 by execution of an Agreement with the Government of Argentina to establish a, Argentina Regional Office. The Agreement provided international and diplomatic status to this office.
The mission of the office as set down in the Agreement was to:
1. Monitor MGB’s activities in Argentina;
2. Develop research programs with national and regional institutions in order to strengthen the capacity of the said institutions and to contribute to the elaboration of national and regional policies in MGB’s research fields.
3. While the Agreement allowed MGB to undertake a broad scope of activities, its initial staffing and funding for the first five years limited the activities and research undertaken at this site.
4. However, beginning in 2011, MGB started to obtain additional support and expand the research program and number of staff located at this Argentina office. As of March 2011, 24 MGB staff work in the ARGENTINA office with an additional 6 staff working out of MGB Headquarters in India. Of the 24 staff working in the ARGENTINA office, 7 are internationally recruited staff and 17 nationally recruited staff.
5. This office has now expanded its work scope to conduct policy research and communications and capacity building activities in the region. It carries out research and develops policy advice in response to requests from regional institutions and stakeholder organizations. The office serves as liaison to other MGB Divisions and facilitate their research and capacity strengthening activities in the Argentina region.