The Problem and its Background
Technology innovation has influenced man’s work, from data processing, business transactions, research, planning monitoring, school works, office works almost all are already dependent through technology. And computer is one of the greatest evidence of such that’s the reason why the use of computer is widespread in the society. As a result, a lot of people are now engaging to it and us becoming more literate to computers.
Computers perform wide variety of activities reliably, accurately and quickly. Manual systems are now developed into computerized system, but this computerized system has now evolved. In our society today there is now also what we call automated system. It is a system that makes our lives much better and easier. Automated system is something that deals with saving man power. Through the system of automation we don’t need too much people, too much time to finish a work all we need is the system itself. See how fast the technologies evolved and people still find newer ways to make this again better.
The main advantages of having an automated system are; first, it increased throughput or productivity, since it was automated, it is not time consuming. Second, it improved quality or increased predictability of quality. Third, it will enhance robustness (consistency), of processes or product. Fourth, it also amplified consistency of output. Lastly this will reduced direct human labor costs and expenses.
This study will be discussing about how scheduling and sectioning system can be further develop. The computerized system is already good but there were still missing in the process of Tomas Del Rosario College High school. The process of enrolment in this school is quite time consuming and needs too much workers. They need different coordinators per year level for the process of sectioning of students, another coordinator for the teacher’s