
Augustine God Is Evil

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Augustine God Is Evil
According to Christianity, God is all good, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. So, why did this good God let there be evil (Augustine 121)? It starts with free will. God gave humans free will to love Him and to do good. According to the Adam and Eve story, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit so that they could be like God. They were prideful and acted in a way that did not live up to their full potential for good and thus, there was evil. Now, that is not to say that Adam and Eve are the source of evil, but are in this case a good example. Evil is the privation of good that finds its roots in corruptions such as pride.
All “corruptible things are good” (Augustine 130). God is good, and He creates in His image so at the core of
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The idea that one does not need the sacraments, to read God’s word, to go to Church and other thoughts in this manner is pride. It was pride that kept Marius Victornus out of the Church. It is a deadly form of vanity in which people think they are better than God. They think to know better than God and do not need the rest of the Church. This is why according to Augustine’s belief’s Plato’s utopia cannot happen. The perfectly good and just guardians run on the assumption that knowledge is everything and that ignorance breeds injustice. They believe that as long as we know what is good and we do the good, with enough wisdom and knowledge we can create the perfect society. They fall into the trap of pride. All attempts to make this utopia would just attempt to lead to failure and more evil in the world. There is no earthly utopia, and the only possible utopia is with God in …show more content…
Evil is trying to be God, but falling short. People do whatever they want for the thrill of getting away with something forbidden. It’s a forbidden fruit that is too tempting to them. But, evil erases individuality and uniqueness that we have. In evil, we lose ourselves and become one of the masses. When doing something bad such as stealing pears from a tree, you do not particularly feel responsible for the action. When alone it is clear who is responsible for an act, but in a group, there is not that certainty. Groups tend to have "mob mentality" and lose

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