
Evil In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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Kaitlyn B. Lee
English II-2
Mr. Work
September 28, 2012
Lord of the Flies: Who is Infected by Evil? Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is about a group of boys that are stranded on a deserted island. They struggle to find civilization because there are no adults to take care and watch over them. Ralph, who is the main character and leader of the boys, tries to establish a civilization by building a signal fire as a sign for their rescue. The boys start to struggle with their persona and they start believing that they might be evil. In the novel, Lord of the Flies, everyone is infected by evil. Evil has a different influence and consequence on each individual person in the novel. One in particular that is infected by evil
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There was something he wanted to say; then the shutter had come down.” (Golding 141) Ralph describes a “shutter” in his brain which meant that he was mentally in the dark. “He looked from face to face. Then, at the moment of greatest passion and conviction, that curtain flapped in his head and he forgot what he had been driving at. He knelt there, his fist clenched, gazing solemnly from one to the other. Then the curtain whisked back.” (Golding 163) This passage is describing how Ralph tries to overcome the darkness within. Ralph’s darkness came within himself. It didn’t come from any other source, therefore darkness that overcomes Simon must originate from Simon. Romans 3:9-20 makes good point saying that all have sinned and nothing righteous is in a person unless saved by Christ. What Simon and Romans have in common, or the point that they’re both making, is that we all have evil, or sin, in us. It comes from none other, but ourselves. By having Jesus Christ as our savior we are able to have more of a control of what the flesh does and wants to do. Jesus is the one whom we pray to for his guidance and by his grace, he is

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