the senate he recounted the affairs of the empire. After reflecting on the matter he decided that it would be in is best interest to retain power. He believed that his power was for the common good to the empire.
3. How does Suetonius describe Augustus' rise to power? Does this seem to trouble Suetonius?
Suetonius describe that Augustus fell into power before he was off age. He refers to Augustus as barely being “legally qualified” to obtain public office, referring that he seized power in hi twenties. Suetonius refers that Augustus sent his army to demand legions from the town, he make refer that it was in a threating manner. 4. How did the Roman people respond to Augustus? Given the way he seized power and would not restore the Republic, what does this say about the desires of the Roman people at that time?
The roman people offered Augustus the title of “Father of his Country” the believed that Augustus had offered the Roman Empire happiness and prosperity. The Roman people of the time were looking for peace after years of civil war, they found it in Augustus who fostered change in the Roman Empire.