Assimilation by definition, is “the acceptance of a minority population into a majority population on the condition that the minority takes on the values and norms of the dominant group”2. It encourages uniformity and harmony. This clearly was not demonstrated on Sunday, December 11, 2005, where “at least 5000 angry people converged on the beach after simmering anger and disputes”3 flared between racial groups. It is difficult to comprehend uniform tolerance by the Australian public with such under-lying racial tensions and misinterpretation of ethnicities. …show more content…
A person’s educational level is also a factor in culture tolerance.
Betts states that two groups stood out from the general trend of anti tolerance: Tertiary educated persons; and immigrant Australians from non-English speaking backgrounds (Betts 1988:84). It can be concluded that a more tolerant Australia would be reached if the citizens were more informed and the immigrants better educated as to the benefits of assimilation.
Various aspects of ethnic culture have been seen as beneficial to society. Families, kinship networks, migrant newspapers, churches, social clubs and community schools, rather than being a barrier to assimilation have acted as a bridge between cultures (Bulbeck 1998:134). But this is deemed harmful by assimilationists. If an ethnic culture is determined to preserve their culture, that is, clinging to inappropriate norms, sex roles, education and employment, it is seen as undermining the cohesion of society and is viewed as detrimental to the interests of the ethnical community (Castles
It has been argued that successful assimilation will only be achieved by the distribution of accurate information from the Government and the community, and a willingness on the part of the society to welcome any new members. For Australians to be tolerant of an immigrant it may not be necessary for total assimilation, rather a willingness and adoption of Australian culture that may be enough to guarantee peace and harmony.
1. Howard, J. (2006) John Howard's Australia Day Address to the National Press Club, 5th June, 2007.
2. Bulbeck, C. (1998) Social Sciences in Australia Second Edition, Marrickville, Harcourt Brace and Company.
3. Sydney Morning Herald, (2005) Mob violence envelopes Cronulla, 13th June, 2007.