Brief summary
Migrants have to give up their customs, culture and values to fit in to Australia and are regarded as inferior until they completely blend in
Main character
Uyen Loewald
Just display your gratitude
But don’t be heard, don’t be seen . . .
….in time, you’ll reach excellence
Just waste a few generations
Relate to context of Identity and Belonging
Pointed and scathing in its criticism of Australian attitudes to migrants; they will never fit in until they give up everything
Brief summary
Tanveer is embarrassed about his family’s Indian food and customs and envies Lynchy his Australian food and seemingly easier lifestyle
Main character
Tanveer Ahmed and Lynchy (Daryl)
He spoke of how all his family ate were rissoles, steak and baked potatoes. I looked at him with envy . . .
After gentle urging on my part, my mother taught herself how to make rissoles . . .
Relate to context of Identity and Belonging
Food and the cultures it represents becomes the symbol of Tanveer’s sense of not belonging. In time, he learns more about Lynchy and compromises are made
Brief summary
Young Indian girl and Asian boy combine to outwit Barry, the school bully. Ironically, Barry’s family move to Jakarta. Eventually, as older students, both realise they have become Australian and feel they belong
Main character
Aditi Gouvernel, Barry and Wei-Lei
My parents met Australia when they started work and I met Australia in the school playground
We had become what we thought we would never be : Australian
Relate to context of Identity and Belonging
The difficulties migrant children faced in the playground because of their appearance and background; friendship formed through adversity; eventually belonging to a group
Brief summary
Ben grew up