Australia’s Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, has accused asylum seekers and refugees of making false abuse allegations, deliberately self-harming and self-immolation …show more content…
You’re claiming that a humane and safer approach would be the best option right now, but your party still remains to be committed to offshore processing, regional resettlement and boat turnbacks. A zero-net immigration policy where those who leave Australia are replaced with migrants who are culturally suited with Australians and will belong, I think, would be a much better idea as opposed to what you stated. This policy will provide the government with enough time to create more infrastructure to cope with our growing population so that we do not see third world conditions on our shores.
Monica: Well, guess what? You’re also stopping further Muslim immigration for completely no reason. How do you think the existing Muslim society will feel about this? Is there even a logical reason behind this decision? My party believes that offshore processing and boat turnbacks was and still is the best option for Australia.
Kalle: Australians fear terrorism; we simply cannot find safety and security in Australia anymore. And it's because there are Muslims terrorising our community and spreading fear with terrorism. So I’m not stopping Muslim immigration for completely no