Aw ar d s
Sch o lar sh ip s
Po licy
Han d b o o k
Feb r u ar y 2014
Yo u m ust r ead t h is Sch o lar sh ip s
Po licy Han d b o o k car ef ully an d f u lly un d er st an d it s co n t en t s b ef o r e sign in g t h e Co n t r act w it h t h e Co m m o n w ealt h o f
Au st r alia.
Th e h an d b o o k is p r o vid ed t o an sw er an y q uest io n s yo u m ay h ave ab o ut yo ur sch o lar sh ip . Please also r ead t h e o t h er in f o r m at io n in yo ur p r e-d ep ar t ur e p ack an d f o llo w t h e in st r uct io n s car ef ully.
Fo r f ur t h er assist an ce, p lease co n t act DFAT at sch o lar sh ip s@d f at .go
This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyrights Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Commonwealth
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ISBN 1 920861 77 7
Co n t en t s
AUSTRALIA AWARDS SCHOLARSHIP CYCLE........................................................................................... vii
GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................................................. 8
Australia Awards .......................................................................................................................... 11
How to use this scholarships policy handbook .................................................................... 12
Australia Awards Scholarships ............................................................................................. 12
Management responsibilities .............................................................................................. 14
Applying for an