How to Wr ite in Your Own Wor ds: 7 steps ( with pictur es) - wikiHow
How to W rite in Your Own W ords
It sure is easy these days to use a dictionary or a thesaurus (especially online! ) or other guides to write out essays, papers, and articles. But what makes everything written so special is how unique it is. Writing can be a form of your emotions, characters are simply what the author's imagination comes up with, it is a broad horizon, infinite. Go with the idea that is planted, and toy with any plots or settings of what will happen, how they happened, etc.
Exp an d yo u r me n tal v o cab u lar y. You can accomplish this by:
Reading the dictionary. Not the whole thing cover to cover! But look up words you hear or read and learn what they mean. Don't use the dictionary when writing, but use it just to learn and put it away when you're ready to write.
T alk to others. T he spoken word is a great source of new and exciting words. T ry to expand your circle of friends to include others from different circles of life. Different people use different terminology in their daily lives, and so they will talk and act differently. Re ad e v e r yth in g yo u can g e t yo u r h an d s o n . Start with books and magazines that make sense and aren't terribly challenging. T hen move on to more difficult works. A librarian is perfect to help you find reading material at different levels. Slowly increase your reading level to include more and more words. You will find that you develop thoughts more easily and can form complete sentences without trying too hard.
Star t wr itin g ! Once you have increased your vocabulary and reading level, writing will ite- in- Your - Own- Wor ds
How to Wr ite in Your Own Wor ds: 7 steps ( with pictur es) - wikiHow
come much easier. Be sure to form complete sentences and learn how to form complicated, although readable,