The hardest thing about writing in my opinion is the transitions between points in my essays. This is the main thing that takes points off of all my essays. I will really need to improve on this if I expect to be a great college writer, so this will be my main point of emphasis as the course moves on into the second semester. I hope to have this mastered by the second semester
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When these connections are made, the paper will mean much more to the reader and will have a much bigger impact on them. I do not want to just put words on a paper. I want my writing to mean something to the reader. Whether it is inspiring, or just a paper that they would like to read again. That is why this will be the main point of emphasis once I have mastered the transitions.
The best part about this class is that it is a revision based course. This is very beneficial to me not only for the fact that it will help me get a better grade, but it will also help me decipher the mistakes that I have made and correct them. This will help me learn from my mistakes which will help me grow tremendously as a writer.
This class is a dual enrollment, so the teacher has very big expectations, but she will also do anything she can to help us succeed. This means a lot because if I were to take this class as a freshman in college the professors would not care as much about our grades and our success.
This will make the transition to actual college very easy and I will know what to expect in a college English class.
This class is very helpful in some cases, but it is also very hard to learn in other cases.