What your child will learn in
Parent Guide Grade 3
Grade 3
What your child will learn
English Language Arts
Reading Comprehension
• Find important details in a story and tell what the story is mostly about • Determine the main idea and key supporting details when reading • Make predictions and draw conclusions when reading • Distinguish fact from opinion • Understand cause and effect • Retell a story, including the setting, main characters, and all key events • Describe what a story is mainly about using important details • Make predictions and draw conclusions using clues in the text • Tell whether a statement is fact or opinion and why • Explain whether a given event is a cause or an effect • Oral and written retellings of stories • Performances of plays based on stories • Story maps, projects, or charts that show understanding of the story • Have your child read and follow written instructions (i.e., a recipe) • Have your child retell events from a movie, TV show, or story • Take your child to the library to check out books • Read with your child
Reading Fluency
• Use phonics skills to figure out unknown words • Choose books for independent reading • Read high frequency words • Reread familiar stories, poems, or passages to build fluency
• Continue to learn new words while reading and participating in discussions • Learn word parts (e.g., un-, re-, -ful, -less) to help the reader figure out word meanings • Understand that some words have more than one meaning • Use clues in the story or passage (such as a definition or example) to figure out unknown words • Use word parts (prefixes and suffixes) to help figure out word meanings • Use illustrations, context clues, and the dictionary definition to choose the correct meaning of a multiple-meaning word
• Writers write for a variety of reasons (to entertain, inform, and