There are costs to the individual in belonging to a group. Discuss
As social animals, human beings have a need to belong. Human beings need the stimulus of other human beings to reach their full potential. One’s identity is formed and influenced by the groups one belongs to. Humans are by nature sociable beings that must learn to cooperate for peaceful existence to occur but are also individual personalities who seek their own self fulfilment. Belonging to groups; family, social or environmental groups, can have immeasurable benefits. But while groups do provide one with a sense of identity, security and protection it can however result in sacrifices to selfhood and can entail certain inevitable costs. Groups tend to be self policing and apply criteria for membership and not everyone can fit that criteria. In order to belong, it is necessary to possess certain characteristics, and those that do not have these characteristics, are apt to be excluded. So great is the human desire for acceptance and inclusion, however that the individual may well absorb many costs in their efforts to meet the standards that is asked of them.
• Now write two strong arguments about the costs/ sacrifices/ disadvantages etc of belonging to a group. Remember to think about different types of groups. Link these groups to the film. Find examples from the film to support what you are saying. Use your notes to help you. Research – internet, other. Write two paragraphs.
• Now write two arguments about the benefits of belonging. Do the same as above.
For your paragraphs – read the introduction several times and use key words from there to develop your topic sentences.
Look at your word glossary and use vocab from there to help you develop powerful sentences.
• Write a conclusion. Sum up and restate the main ideas in the essay.
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