BUSI 1358
Global Enterprise and Innovation
National Innovation System in Australia
Student name:
Date of submission:
30th November 2013
1. National Innovation System in Australia
The National Innovation System (NIS) means the flow of technology and information among people, enterprises and institutions which is the key factor for the innovative process on the national level (Edquist, 1997). With the development of innovation, it will affect the technology and generate a complex set of relationships among enterprises, universities and government (OECD, 2012).
This report focuses on the NIS in Australia, and tries to find out how the NIS in Australia …show more content…
Most of the innovation spending is about four aspects, which are shown in Appendix 4. These four aspects are basic R&D, directed R&D, connections and capacity and commercialization and adoption.
The basic R&D is funding for some Public Research Organizations (PROs) and Primarily Universities and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industry Research Organization (CRIRO). The Australian government spent $48 billion on basic R&D and S44 billion was used by PROs. The directed R&D is founding for some research questions which were specified by the government. Only $10 billion was used for directed R&D and $9billion was for the private organizations.
Connections and capacity focus on using some specialized training programs and interdisciplinary projects to improve connections and raise human capital. For the commercialization and adoption, there is no doubt that the Australian government encourages the commercialization ideas by spending money. These two parts were only got little support and the others was for the tax incentives.
4. Financial Component of …show more content…
The eight states and territories are controlling in its own specific way in administering health services subject to fund and intergovernmental agreements. They are charged with administering public hospitals in well mannered way and regulating all hospitals and community based on health services (Healy, 2011). Environmental health and some public health programs except clinical service are taken care by the Local