The National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) is a database that keeps track of reportable information such as medical malpractice payments, loss of license related to professional competence or conduct, and healthcare related civil judgement (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2015). While the general public does not have access to this information, hospitals, other qualifying healthcare companies, and licensing and certification authorities do. If a nurse practitioner (NP) has been listed on the NPDB, they are given the opportunity to submit a statement in their defense. The purpose of the information repository is to contribute to the improvement of healthcare by promoting patient safety…
The purpose of the policy is to provide an interactive dialogue that allows for up-to-date information on the patient’s care. The policy is referenced to the Joint Commission-mandated focus on improving patient safety through effective caregiver communication. According to the Joint Commission, as estimated 80% of serious medical errors are attributable to miscommunication between caregivers when transferring responsibly for patients (Wakefield, Ragan, Brandt & Tregnago, 2012). Shift report happens two, three, or more times in a day, but nurses receive little formal training in this vital responsibility. Nurses may be found legally liable for failing to report necessary information during handoffs (Riesenberg, Leitzsch, & Cunningham, 2010). Therefore, it is imperative for a handoff procedure incorporate an effective way to communicate in order to provide safe patient care.…
I have established many great relationships with different doctors and APRNS. In the ICU setting where I was employed, I did notified two physicians which I worked with about my plans for Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and both supported me and agreed to help me with a preceptorship in pulmonary and critical medicine. Dr. Erasto Cortes and Dr. Ahmed Hajj are the two physicians which I worked with and still keep in touch with. I currently work with two great surgeons, Dr. Michael Lara and Dr. Jorge Acosta, both which are also aware of my plans and have been very supportive. They both agree to also precept me in General surgery, trauma and gastrointestinal surgeries. I am currently employed with Del Sol Medical Center and my current Director is…
This course focuses on transition from technical nursing to professional nursing. The course addresses the scope and standards of nursing practice, ethical and legal components of practice, information management and application of patient technology, and inter- and intra-professional communication and collaboration for improving patient health outcomes.…
Dougherty, L. (2011). The royal marsden hospital manual of clinical nursing procedures student edition. 8th ed. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.…
The article discussed the need to provide nurses with tools and the skills utilized by other professions so they can deliver quality care using the most up-to-date technology available. While the shortage of nursing colleagues is significant, those left behind should…
Nursing is closely related with caring because you cannot be a successful nurse if you do not demonstrate any emotion/compassion to your patient. We as professionals should understand that nursing involves caring for everyone regardless of what they believe in, what mistakes they have committed, or what they look like. Being a nurse is such an honorable profession because we are the person who helps patients get through tough situations. Nursing is integrated into the nursing practice because the relationship built between the patient and nurse is initialized by the patient feeling cared for. In order for a patient to allow you to administer any medications, injections, or other healthcare treatments, the patient must trust that you are treating them with the same care you would if they were a loved one.…
I chose nursing as my profession because of my mother and other factors. My mother was an influence because early this year she was in the hospital for two weeks and during that period I only saw the doctor thrice. The nurses where the ones doing everything, so I felt they were the ones who nursed her back to health. The other deciding factors were: variety of places for jobs whether in the public, private, or community setting; the opportunity to learn new things since no day is ever the same; the opportunity to work with other health professionals; nurses will always be needed; nursing offers specialty areas, and the opportunity to be a traveling nursing.…
Professional honesty is about the physician knowing the limits of his or her own competence and when to refer to someone else for help. There is nothing shameful about not knowing the solution to a medical problem. It is dangerous to fake competence or pretend to know things. A statement by the Medical Council, Disclosure of harm, acknowledges that all medical treatment carries risk and encourages physicians to disclose where a patient has been harmed as the result of their medical care. The Council quotes research that indicates a patient is more likely to complain if a physician fails to disclose harm to the patient, or if the disclosure is not done in an open and honest manner (Corkill,…
A standardized nursing language for documentation of nursing care is important to the nursing profession and to the care providing nurse (Rutherford, 2008). Nursing has always faced by two challenges including, to distinguish nursing contributions in patient care from medicine and to incorporate nursing care into the healthcare to improve the patient’s care. As the development of Electronic Health Records (EHR) and the establishment of Nationwide Health Information, these challenges become more significant. It became essential to identify nursing contributions in patient care and to incorporate elements of nursing care in to the EHR. This quandary was resolved by using standardized nursing terminologies to reflect the uniqueness of nursing…
and traverse their lists of connections and those made by others within the system” (Boyd and Ellison, 2007).…
develops and participates in quality assurance programs using information systems, participates in patient instructional program development, participates in ergonomic design of work stations, bed side access stations and portable appartus equipment,awareness of societal and technological trends, issues and new developments and applies these to nursing,demonstrates…
The field of nursing is always improving and evolving. It is progressively moving forward as new information and research fuel our ability to provide proper patient care. In fact, I have seen the field change and develop in more ways than I can shake a stick. One of the most profound differences came with the inundation of technology and the connectivity of the internet. Never before has the patient been able to access so much information at their fingertips, or have medical professionals had such unprecedented access to patient records and global resources along with cutting edge techniques.…
Currently I am a senior level 4 nursing student. With being a nursing student it requires many communication skills verbal and non-verbal. Various classes in the communication curriculum would be very beneficial to my major. For example, COMM 1018 interpersonal communication would be very helpful because with this class I would learn communication skills such as; looking for detailed feelings and face-to-face non-verbal and verbal cues. Having the knowledge that I have now if I would have taking communication classes earlier I may have had a better experience understanding the signs of pain that patients gave me without actually telling me.…
Nursing as a career is chosen for many different reasons. Some are interested in the human body, and others want to help those in need. The nursing experience is one not easily forgotten, but often taken for granted. Nurses and their value have been weighted more heavily in the past 10 years for its relevance to the survival of medicine. The nursing shortage has created a national outcry for the need to encourage nursing as a career. “As the nursing shortage peaked nurses who were left at the bedside found working conditions unacceptable and many left the profession in search of other work”.(Allen, Jan-Feb 2008, p. 35) The shortage gave rise to the nurse being recognized as a valued and need professional. The RN to BSN programs now available to all working RN’s helps development nurses behaviors and skills as trained professionals. Before this course my nursing practice was on auto polit. I arrived to work, and started my assignment the same way every day. I start by assessing all patients assigned to me, then review their medication, and last administer prescribed medication. I would give education when it was warranted. For instance, if a patient had received a new Foley catheter and was going home with the catheter I would education them on home use. After my transition to professional nursing I recognized the legal responsibility to safe guard the patient. After this class I increased the need to make evidenced based practice (EVP) guidelines applicable to every aspect of my nursing care. My interactions with patients during this class involved how I could use EVP to safe guard my patients and provide a high level of professional nursing care. The RN-BSN program is helping me mature and develop my nursing practice as a professional learner who uses EVP to provide the best nursing care possible.…