This chosen group of poems gives examples of contrast between appearance and reality. We learn that appearances can greatly deviate from what is hidden on the inside. Through the use of irony, we also learn the virtues of authenticity. Appearance versus reality is exhibited in “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson through the use of visually stimulating words to evoke various feelings in us. In E E Cummings’s “Buffalo Bill’s, the speaker admires Buffalo Bill's shooting skills and good looks. He also admires his “watersmoothsilver” horse. Admiration is preceded, however, by irony and followed by sarcasm depending on our interpretation. The dark humor of R.S. Gwynn’s "Scenes from the Playroom" tells the story of a day in the life of an affluent family. But are we getting the whole story? Or just a “scene” as the title suggests. Last but not least, “I’m nobody! Who are you?” by Emily Dickinson, simplicity and authenticity are shown through her use of tone in that is playful and comical. We no longer have to hide our authentic self away. Emily wants us to come out and play. Come be a nobody, even if you are a somebody in the world. Only a frog worries about life in the bog. Robinson also makes use of irony in "Richard Cory," enabling us to understand the truth of Cory's existence that of a sad man, no better than any of those "on the pavement." Richard Cory looked like a true gentleman and that everyone in the town would look up to him with respect and admiration. He talked in a polite manner and was well dressed with bright jewelry that would shine from a distance. People said that Richard Cory was richer than a King. The narrator of the poem must have belonged to the lower class and grew jealous of Richard Cory; he wanted to be him. It was a difficult time for working class people and all they could earn for their family was the bread and no meat with it. Days went by and one night, Richard Cory shot himself to death to
This chosen group of poems gives examples of contrast between appearance and reality. We learn that appearances can greatly deviate from what is hidden on the inside. Through the use of irony, we also learn the virtues of authenticity. Appearance versus reality is exhibited in “Richard Cory” by Edwin Arlington Robinson through the use of visually stimulating words to evoke various feelings in us. In E E Cummings’s “Buffalo Bill’s, the speaker admires Buffalo Bill's shooting skills and good looks. He also admires his “watersmoothsilver” horse. Admiration is preceded, however, by irony and followed by sarcasm depending on our interpretation. The dark humor of R.S. Gwynn’s "Scenes from the Playroom" tells the story of a day in the life of an affluent family. But are we getting the whole story? Or just a “scene” as the title suggests. Last but not least, “I’m nobody! Who are you?” by Emily Dickinson, simplicity and authenticity are shown through her use of tone in that is playful and comical. We no longer have to hide our authentic self away. Emily wants us to come out and play. Come be a nobody, even if you are a somebody in the world. Only a frog worries about life in the bog. Robinson also makes use of irony in "Richard Cory," enabling us to understand the truth of Cory's existence that of a sad man, no better than any of those "on the pavement." Richard Cory looked like a true gentleman and that everyone in the town would look up to him with respect and admiration. He talked in a polite manner and was well dressed with bright jewelry that would shine from a distance. People said that Richard Cory was richer than a King. The narrator of the poem must have belonged to the lower class and grew jealous of Richard Cory; he wanted to be him. It was a difficult time for working class people and all they could earn for their family was the bread and no meat with it. Days went by and one night, Richard Cory shot himself to death to