Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental/neurocognitive disorder. It can effect a person’s social interactions, communication, and behaviors of daily living. It is named Autism Spectrum Disorder because there is not just one set of symptoms. The symptoms range from individual to individual. Some characteristics of autism include repetitive behaviors, issues with social skills, inappropriate affect or no affect, hypersensitivity to sound, and nonverbal tendencies (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Within each of those characteristics there is also a range. People with autism can be high functioning or they can require assistance with activities of daily living. People with autism can exhibit obsessive or compulsive …show more content…
behaviors (Ming & Pletcher, 2014). Often times, people with autism like to follow a schedule and they like sameness. They can become agitated easily and do not have much interest in social interactions. They generally are not comforted by physical touch. Another characterstic trait of someone with autism is their heightened senses (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015). Autism encompasses a broad range of symptoms and each person with autism will present them in a different way.
Demographic Information
Autism Spectrum Disorder is generally diagnosed in young children, some as young as 18-24 months. However, it can be diagnosed later in life. It occurs in all races and ethnic groups. No one ethnic group is more affected than any other (Baio, 2014. However, it is more likely to affect boys than it is girls. It affects 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls. It is a relatively common disorder, occurring in 1 in 68 children. In previous years, there were less children being diagnosed. It is now being diagnosed more than ever before. Autism Speaks has information that says it might be affecting more children now and that the statistic could actually be closer to 1 in 45 (Autism Speaks, 2016). Diagnosis rates are much higher in younger kids, however, later in life a person can be diagnosed with autism. There is no cure for autism so it can be seen throughout a life span (Arehart-Treichel, 2014)
Strengths of Client
Noah’s strengths include his ability to carry out activities of daily living.
This is helpful for Noah and his family. He is able to do day to day tasks with minimal assistance, given that the particular tasks are relatively age appropriate. He is also exhibiting appropriate sensory and cognitive awareness skills. He is a healthy eleven year old boy. His speech and communication skills are also good. He is comfortable around his peers and his social interaction skills are pretty good. This is beneficial to Noah, because many kids with autism have a hard time with social interactions and generally do not care about it. His sensory and cognitive awareness skills are also appropriate. For the most part, he is doing well in that area. Noah is showing lots of room for improvement and the ability to improve. This is beneficial because he is able to make progress on the areas that need improvement. There is clear evidence of improvement from his first evaluation to his final …show more content…
Needs of Clients
• At times, Noah does not show appropriate affect.
Research suggests that children with autism often do not convey an affect that matches their emotion (Centers for disease control and prevent, 2015).
• Noah becomes argumentative with peers and counselors at the summer camp he is at. Individuals with autism show a lack of social interest or do not approach the situation appropriately (Lowth, 2015).
• He will sometimes throw a temper tantrum. This is a common thing that is present in a child with autism. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).
• During the day, he becomes uncooperative and resistant. This could be because he is uninterested in social situations. This can be normal for a child with autism (Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
• Certain triggers from peers and counselors will send him into a non-compliant state. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that people with autism “avoid or resist physical contact and is not comforted by others during distress (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).”
• He shows indifference to rules and directions put in place by the camp staff. There is evidence that suggests that people with autism get upset by small changes (Center for Disease Control Prevention, 2015).
• Noah requires personal space to alleviate his behavior. Research suggests that those with autism may not like social interactions (Lowth, 2015).
• Noah can be aggressive. The CDC suggests that aggression is one symptom of autism (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).
• He is hyperactive, sound sensitive, and anxious at times. This is not uncommon for people with autism. White noise, or background sounds, can sometimes be really distracting. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).
• He demands sameness. This is a characteristic of someone who has autism. They are often upset or agitated by small changes (National Human Genome Research Institute, 2012).
Environmental Barriers
• At times stimulus from Noah’s environment set him off. His peers and the staff at the camp enrichment program can trigger non-compliance. Research suggests that children with Autism have a hard time interacting with their peers (Lowth, 2015).
• Noah appreciates a schedule and likes sameness, when something does not go as he planned he can get upset or agitated by it. The CDC shows information that shows that this is a common characteristic in a person who has autism (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015).
Cultural Information
• Eleven years old, autism is usually diagnosed when children are young, but it is still present throughout the client’s lifetime (Autism Speaks, 2016).
• Male, autism is more common in males than it is in females (Autism Speaks, 2016).
• Secondary diagnosis of Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), this is not uncommon in people with autism. About 10% of people with autism also have ADHD (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2015)
• Summer camp enrichment program participant, there are many camps and programs that are designed specifically for children and adults with autism (Autism Speaks, 2016).