Inventory system is an effective way for monitoring and tracking different materials that are transferred in and out of a company’s warehouse or establishment usually for accounting purposes. It is also important for a company to monitor all the transactions and movement of goods in order to keep an account of all their stocks. However in some establishments, the inventory of materials is done manually in such a way that an employee writes down the information of different materials every time it is transferred in and out of the room. The same case applies in Bell Electronics Corporation; and as a result, the inventory system becomes prone to human error and would be more time consuming which will most likely be a loss for the company.
In Bell Electronics Corporation, there is a corresponding form for every incoming or outgoing item (from the stock room). These forms serve as the basis of comparison when inspecting; that is, the amount of item that goes in or out must tally with those written in the forms. Afterwards, all the transactions will then be encoded