He had summarized certain causes for decline in car sales. They were economic weakness in the United Kingdom and the hangover from the incentive schemes in Italy. Further, he had identified that smaller markets also performed better than expected which directly gave a threat for big car manufacturers. The author finally recommended that stronger consumer demand would have a positive effect in the car market along with active new …show more content…
For measuring brand satisfaction level among the four manufacturers, eight attributes (service, spare parts availability, safety, leg space, boot space, price, style and resale) were listed in the questionnaire. The null hypothesis (“There is no significant difference in satisfaction level among different brands of premium cars”) was found to be true at 5% level of significance. Similarly to evaluate the satisfaction with dealer service, thirteen attributes were evaluated (location, case of appointment, facilities, proper diagnosis, labour cost, spare cost, spares availability, promptness in service, correct service, staff behaviour, warranty service, post service follow-up, reception handling). The null hypothesis (“There is no difference in satisfaction level towards dealers service between different brands of cars”) was found to be false at 5% level of significance. That is, there was significance difference between the dealers service in respect of the four