In the report conceptual frameworks for understanding the consumer decision making process and an analysis using the Laddering technique are presented. Its analysis using the different theories and the steps in the decision making process led to understand how consumers translate the attributes of products into meaningful association with themselves, their beliefs and values.
A need refers to any human requirement and it becomes a motive when it is aroused to sufficient level or intensity. This motivation conducts the individuals to do information research to find out price, different brands, specific characteristics, places where the individual can find what he or she is looking for and so on. Thus, when the person has enough information the next step is to evaluate which of the different brands is the best one and which one is the most important characteristic to consider as well as find the reason why not to consider other options.
Nevertheless, when the individual has chosen a product, is the place where he makes the purchase an influencer? Could the good or poor customer service and the individual perception of it make the person to change his or her mind? Plus, after the customer has finally made a purchase, is the marketers job done?
After applying the different decision making process theories and steps in the depth- interview and making an analysis of the responses of the interviewee, the interviewer could find out the real motives of the individual and how the interaction with different brands help the consumer to make their final decision.
Finally, methods to increase the positive image that consumers have about Apple MAcBook Air are discussed as well as methods to have a more positive post-choice evaluation, such as to have accessories that are not overly expensive and have a customer service feed back after the purchase to help the customer to easily understand the new technology that they are purchasing in
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