Autonomy- the right of a client to self determination In the ER where I currently work, I am usually not privy to the conversations between the physician and the patient. I am usually providing care to another patient. I receive the orders for pain medication and then proceed to the room to administer the medication. I feel it is my duty, as a nurse, to educate the patient regarding their right to refuse the medication the physician ordered. I empower them with education regarding the effects and side-effects and allow them to refuse the medication if they desire. I educate them to the importance of knowing as much information regarding their own healthcare as possible and allow them the choice to accept or refuse the offered medications. I feel strongly about this aspect of care in the ER. I do not feel the patient should blindly accept medications simply because it was prescribed by a physician.
Veracity- truth telling; the honesty by a professional in providing full disclosure to a client of the risks and