According to Luker et al (1997), in 1985 the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) made a case for the prescribing rights for nurse. The Cumberledge Report (1986) acknowledged that the government recognised that nurses should be eligible to prescribe. Nurse prescribing has an important contribution to make in the service to patients and clients and the advantages were acknowledged in the Crown Report 1 (1989). Thomas (2000) informs us that in this review, it recommended that nurses with either a Health Visitor or a District Nurse qualification should be allowed to prescribe from a limited nurses prescribers’ formulary (NPF). In 1999 following a review of prescribing, it was suggested that prescribing right extend to include other groups of nurses and healthcare professionals (Crown Report 2 1999). The government endorses this in the National Health Service Plan (NHS) (2000).
With reference to clinical practice, a referral was received from the GP to assess a patient whom he had seen at home and had diagnosed a chest infection and prescribed antibiotics. Whilst assessing the patient Katherine, she complained that she had tenderness in the sacral area. On examination the GP found she was suffering with a sacral pressure sore, but she was unsure of how long she had the pressure sore for. Katherine is a seventy two year old lady who lives with her husband and prior to feeling unwell had been fairly fit. Unfortunately a constant cough meant that her sleep was disturbed, so
References: Benbow M., (2004) Mixing Dressings – a clinical governance issue? Journal of Community Nursing Vol. 18 (3) page 4-9 Bentley, J., (2001) Assess, negotiate, treat: community prescribing for chronic wounds Department of Health (1989) Report of the Advisory Group on Nurse Prescribing. Crown Report 1. HMSO: London Department of Health (1999) Review of Prescribing, Supply and Administration of Medicines Report Department of Health (2000) The NHS Plan. HMSO: London Department of Health and Social Security (1986) Neighbourhood Nursing: a Focus for Care European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (2005) (online) [accessed 30.12.05] Hollinworth, H., and Collier, M., (2000) Nurses’ view about pain and trauma at dressing changes Lowe, L., and Hurst, R., (2002) Nurse Prescribing: the reality. In Humphries, J.L., and Green, J., (eds) Nurse Prescribing 2nd Ed. Palgrave : London. National Prescribing Centre Prescribing Nurse Bulletin (1999a) Modern Wound Management Dressings. NPC Vol. 1 (2) page 1-4 National Prescribing Centre Prescribing Nurse Bulletin (1999b) Signpost for prescribing nurses-general principles of good prescribing Nurse Prescribers’ Formulary incorporating BNF (2003-2005) British Medical Association. London Nursing and Midwifery Council (2002) Guidelines for Record keeping Nursing and Midwifery Council (2002) Code of Professional Conduct: standards for conduct, performance and ethics. NMC: London Osteoarthritis Preece, S., (2002) Accountability and Legal Issues. In Humphries, J.L., and Green, J., (eds) Nurse Prescribing 2nd Ed. Palgrave: London Sowerby, S., (1998) Nurse Prescribing Williams C., and Young T., (1996) Alleyvn Adhesive. British Journal of Nursing Vol 5 (11) page 691-693.