The aim of this assignment is to holistically evaluate the Bio-psychosocial factors and influences on health and well being, of a lady in her sixties who is living with chronic venous leg ulcers. It will begin with a patient profile, and in order to comply with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (NMC) the name of the patient has been changed to Martha (NMC, 2008). Informed consent was gained by the patient prior to this assignment being written. It will then go on to briefly discuss the Roper Logan and Tierney model of nursing which will be used as a framework for this assignment. In order to have an understanding on how venous ulcers occurs a description of the normal and abnormal anatomy and physiology of the venous system will be addressed. It will then show how the effect of pain due to the chronic ulceration has affected Martha’s ability to carry out two of the 12 activities of living (Roper et. al 1990). It will discuss the biological issue such as pain, odour and exudate which restricted Martha’s mobility resulting in social isolation and the psychosocial issue such as pain and anxiety which affecting her ability to sleep and comply with prescribed treatment. To summarize the contents of this assignment a conclusion will be provided.
Martha is a sixty six year old lady who was referred to the district nurses for the evaluation and daily treatment of chronic non-healing venous leg ulcers to her right leg. The main signs and symptoms she was experiencing were constant pain, skin loss, oedema, odour and exudate. Martha has suffered chronically with non-healing leg ulcers for the last four years and has tried various treatments including maggots and honey and compression therapy. Unfortunately none of these therapies have worked for Martha. Martha’s been married to her current husband for six years but sadly, she lost her first husband to cancer twenty one years ago. Martha has four children, one of
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