Autozone Swot Analysis
AutoZone SWOT Analysis AutoZone’s history began with the ideas of one man named J.R. “Pitt” Hyde III. He received a bachelor’s degree in economics at the University of North Carolina. Pitt saw that people needed help with the upkeep of their vehicles so he opened Auto Shack on July 4, 1979, a retail automotive parts store. In 1987 the name Auto Shack was changed to AutoZone. In 1991 AutoZone’s Stock, AZO, made its debut on the New York Stock exchange and became the first auto parts retailer to store customer warranties in a computer database. AutoZone is a Fortune 500 company that currently has stores in 48 states, Puerto Rico, and Mexico and has more than 65,000 employees. AutoZone’s pledge is, "AutoZoners always put customers first! We know our parts and products. Our stores look great! We 've got the best merchandise at the right price." (UNK, 2012) AutoZone’s main organizational strength has been their robust financial performance. According to Dow Theory Forecasts (2012), “Through downturns and upswings, AutoZone ($330; AZO) has delivered higher revenue for more than 20 straight years.” The company continues to increase sales and revenue. AutoZone was able to accomplish this in 2011 even with gas prices up 25% and miles driven down 1%, which would suggest the need for AutoZone’s maintenance and failure products to be in less demand. This was accomplished by offering superior customer service, products, and quality information over its competitors. AutoZone acquired ALLDATA in 1996. ALLDATA is “the leading provider of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) automotive repair information and solutions.” (UNK, 2012) This software allows AutoZone to access and diagnose automotive computer codes that stat what is wrong with the automobile. This is one of the many things AutoZone offers to its customers free of charge, where as many maintenance shops charge to have the car diagnosed. This helps AutoZone to create customer loyalty and provide better customer
References: AutoZone 's engine stays in high gear. (2012). Dow Theory Forecasts, 68(1), 8.
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UNK, U. (2012). AutoZone. Retrieved from
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