This paper aims to address the impact of aviation security systems at airports which are implemented through controlled security programmes. It is without a doubt that our society has patterned to continually evolve into a technologically-based information age. With the ease of acquiring information even for the ‘average joe’ today, governing authorities must respond by continually placing newer and improved security systems, particularly in the aviation industry.
Jones (2002) describes technology as a pillar of counter-terrorism, and suggests that significant attacks expand the array of technology initiatives required. Advances in technology include airport baggage screening, postal monitoring, biometric identification, radio and television broadcasting, and personal security.The scope of this discussion will focus on the influence of electronic screening, biometrics and e-chip passport features, particularly how they have developed and caused an impact to aviation security. The refining of these systems significantly shapes the way we approach aviation security through a legislative and operational view-point. A flawless security system is what we continually strive for, and the main thrust for investing in costly security methods and researching new initiatives. As the ‘security pendulum’ swings toward the desired outcome of attaining the ideal security system with prime safety levels; changes will be identified together with arising hindrances. The first part will focus on electronic screening, and the latter –biometrics and e-passports.
Electronic Screening
While the means of screening passengers and items are primarily a preventive security measure for minimising the threat of terrorism and upholding an acceptable level of safety; it serves to fulfill the published ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standard and recommended practices of the current Annex 17 (8th edition), according to the
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