Toska Reed
Interpersonal Communication/CJA304
University of Phoenix Online
Prof. Eileen Carlin
April 15, 2015
This paper will explain how technology affects the communication capabilities of specialized databases in the criminal justice system. It will provide the definition, history of these specialized databases and provide the comparison of three different specialized databases, which are: Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS), Facial Recognition, and Iris Scan. Included in this paper will be the Biometrics that has occurred throughout the years. Then there will the positive and negative effects of the new technologies on communication within the criminal justice system. Finally, I will discuss which new specialized techniques that I might use and why.
Biometrics History
Technology affects our life daily, and it also affects the criminal justice system, especially in communication. The criminal justice system has different databases do to technology, and these databases operate faster than it would take humans could do. So, the biometrics technologies can measure and analyze the human body characteristics such as fingerprints, eye retinas and irises, voice patterns, facial patterns and hand measurements. (Rouse, 2015) The Biometrics is another word for the specialized database it has been around for hundreds of years and provided through the new technology over the years. The Biometric history back dates to 1858 when the first systematic capture of hand images for identification purpose was record. In 1992, the United States established the Biometric Consortium and in 2003 the formal U.S. Government coordination of Biometric activities began. Then in 2005 the Iris on the Move was announced at the Biometric Consortium Conference. Throughout the years many different changes and developments occurred.
I have listed all the Biometrics history that associated with facial recognition,
References: (2015) Biometrics Research Group, Inc., History of Biometric Update Rouse, Margaret (2015) Search Security Biometrics, (2006) NSTC Subcommittee on Biometrics, Biometrics History, Page 1-27, (2015) PBWORKS, Biometrics Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of technologies, (2015) Iridian Technologies, Biometric Comparison Guide, Pages 3-7 Dowden, John (2015), Evidence Technology Magazine, Facial Recognition: The most “Natural” Forensic Technology,