Second, he was not prepared for the winter, he went into the trek with only minimal clothes and very minimal education on how cold it was and what he needed to do to survive.
I think that if he was more educated and more prepared he could have made it to the camp and could have seen his boys. If I was in this man’s situation I would have trained for this because it is a very life threatening thing. I would not take the whole thing so lightly like the man did in the story. If I was the dog, I wouldn’t go with the man because I know he would fail miserably in the cold without the proper things to help him in the
situation. Finally, the whole thing finally all caught up to the man and it ended up costing him his life and it ended. The man went wrong when he started to freeze and he thought it was just a little cold. The man really messed up and he was not prepared and he paid the ultimate price. When you go out into nature you have to be prepared like a game of chess. You have to be one step ahead and you always have to be prepared for the worst possible conditions. If the man would have had layers of clothes and a bag with extra stuff and other accessories. I really feel like if the man would have had more education and a better gut feeling he would have been better off. He would have been better off because he would have had more sense of what to do and he was in denial the whole time if he would have realized he was in trouble he could have done something to turn his trip around and possibly survived.