Leung Ka Hei (8039095)
According to a new International Labour Office report1, “it shows that young people in nearly all countries of the world are twice as likely as older persons to suffer from unemployment. It also notes that the participation rate of youngsters in the labor force is decreasing in most countries, despite widespread efforts to improve access of young workers to the job market.” It is proved that the problem of unemployment is affecting all the countries in the world. In this paper, I will explore the definition of unemployment and youths, briefly describe how the phenomenon of youth unemployment is, then the reasons affecting youth unemployment in Hong Kong and followed by some analysis. Then, the paper will talk about the service now we have and some of the recommendations for tackling this problem. The paper is lastly concluded with a reflection and a conclusion.
1. Definition of unemployment
According to Stewart2, unemployment is defined as “unemployed persons include those who did not work at all during the survey week, and who were looking for work.”
2. Definition of youths
For youths, it will be separated into three parts to define. First of all, the age of youths, according to United Nations3, the age of youths lies between 15 and 24. Secondly, gender of youths, according to the Census and Statistics Department Unemployment and Underemployment report4, male of youths are having 24.6% unemployment rate in Hong Kong and female of youths are having 17.7%. There is a difference of unemployment rate in Hong Kong between male and female and the situation for the former is more serious than the latter. Thirdly, their education level, most of youths are graduated in secondary 5 or 7. Some of them are graduated in secondary 6 because of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education. But both of them cannot find a job after graduation.
References: 1. The Worklife Report (2000). Youth unemployment: A universal problem, ISSN 0834-292X, 2000, Volume 12, Issue 3, p. 6 2 3. United Nations Human Settlements Programme(2004).Youth and Partners Section, Retrieved from http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unyin/documents/ydiHabitat_indicators.pdf 4 5. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. The OECD Observer(2000). Youth unemployment, ISSN 0029-7054, 06/2000, p. 82 6 7. Oriental Daily (2011). 升學明燈 美夢成真, Retrieved from http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/lifestyle/20110801/00298_001.html 8 9. Labour Department (2006). Youth Employment Start, Retrieved from http://www.e-start.gov.hk/v3/en/v3_intro.htm 10 11. Tara Craig (2008). Firing off... youth unemployment. Personnel Today, ISSN 0959-5848, 11/2008, p. 32