The youth unemployment problem has become a major problem in our country. The youth represents more than half of the total population of Bhutan and is considered as a major workforce. The youth are considered as the most energetic class of people who can make either constructive or destructive contribution to the society. If they are not monitored well and remained unemployed, both social and economic problems are inevitable. The need is felt to address the social and economic challenges confronted by the youth in order to help them become productive and responsible citizens of the country.
An idle man cannot find food for him. In order to live he must do some work. Some work is necessary to enable man to satisfy his wants. Everywhere in this world there is a constant struggle for an employment. Only deserving people win the struggle and get the jobs which are very limited. Those who are defeated suffer starvation and misery. And ultimately they indulge in gang fights, abuse drugs, involve in vandalism, robbery, theft, prostitutions and many more which bring the disharmony in the community which is against the philosophy of GNH. Being unemployment can significantly affect the prospect of achieving the goals of GNH. Without job one leads to the loss of self-esteem and results in unhappiness.
There is no respect for the seniors. In a family, the unemployed children create disturbances. They feel frustrated. They kill either themselves or their parents. Thus social tension is born. Gradually, our Buddhist philosophy of love and tolerance is converted to the philosophy of anger and instability.
There are many causes of unemployment. The main among them is the rapid growth of population and significant growth in school enrolment which has created a large number of youth entering into the job market in search of jobs every year. Also the rural urban migration has led to unemployment problem in the cities.
Lack of skills and abilities is