Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 Intrapersonal Effectiveness 2 2.1 Jackson’s Learning Style Profiler 2 2.1.1 Goal Oriented Achiever 3 2.1.2 Emotionally Intelligent Achiever 4 2.2 Personal Developments 4 2.3 Social and Cultural Considerations 4
3.0 Interpersonal Effectiveness 5 3.1 Belbin’s Self Perception Inventory 5 3.2 CATME Analysis 6 2.3 Personal Developments 7 3.4 Social and Cultural Considerations 7
4.0 Conclusion 7
References 8
1.0 Introduction
In this portfolio, I will be reflecting on my experiences and learning stages within this unit, BSB124 –Working in Business. Throughout this report, …show more content…
I will study an extra hour on top of my contact hours with each subject; this will increase my understanding of each subject and prepare me successfully to work in the Marketing sector. I will also aim to be more organised and have a folder for each subject for the remaining semesters in my degree, lastly I will carry around a dairy which I can plan each day effectively and manage each task until they are completed. For this plan to be successful, I will check each day to see if deadlines are met and also test myself on each subject content that will be assessed and reflect on whether I need to increase my …show more content…
(n.d.). Belbin Team Roles. Retrieved October 30, 2013, from
Boyle, J. G., Matthews, G., & Saklofske, H. D. (2008). Personality Measurement and Testing (2nd ed.). California, USA: SAGE Publishing.
Cymeon Pty Ltd. Learning Style Profiler (LSP). 2013 October. [cited 2013 October]: 1- 10. Available from: Cymeon Pty Ltd
De Janasz, S., Wood, G., Gottschalk, L., Dowd, K., Schneider, B., (2006). Interpersonal Skills in Organisations (1st ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Jackson, C. J. (2005). An applied neuropsychological model of functional and dysfunctional learning: Applications for business, education, training and clinical psychology. Cymeon: Australia.
Jackson, C. J., Hobman, V. E., Jimmieson, L. N., & Martin, R. (2009). Comparing different approach and avoidance models of learning and personality in the prediction of work, university, and leadership outcomes. British Journal of Psychology, 100(2), 283-312. doi: 10.1348/000712608X322900 F
Marketing manager role offers food for thought. (2006, July 1). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from