The purpose of this report is to discuss the main theories, models, frameworks and issues in the area of operations management, using British Airways as a working model, throughout the report. It was prepares for a coursework assignment as part of a Operations Management Module
Academic journals and books from the area of operations management were used to illustrate the main points in the report to give evidence and back up the information provided.
Key findings of this report show how quality impacts on the development of the operations strategy in British Airways and how the key elements of design contribute hugely in operations.
The importance and role of supply chain was discussed and three quality control methods; Quality Sampling, Total Quality Management and ISO 9000 were evaluated to how they could improve the performance of British Airways.
Conclusions were drawn and it was found that operations management, based on the points discussed is a major factor to an organisations success.
Contents Page
Page Number
1. Introduction 4 2. BA’s Main Transformation Process 5 & 6 3. Quality & Operations Strategy 7, 8 & 9 4. Design in Operations 10 4.1 Concept Generation 10 2. Concept Screening 10 4.3 Preliminary Design 10 & 11 4.4 Evaluation and Improvement 11 4.5 Prototyping and final design 11 & 12 5. The Role of Supply Chain 13 1. Quality 13 2. Speed 14 3. Dependability 14 4. Flexibility 15 5. Cost 15 6. Quality Control Methods 16 1. Quality Sampling 17 2. Total Quality Management 17 & 18 3. ISO 9000 18 7. Conclusions 19 8. References 20 & 21
1. Introduction
This report has been issued by University as part
References: SLACK, N., CHAMBERS, S. and JOHNSTON, R., 2007. Operations Management. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited GILMORE, H.L., 1990 SLACK, N., CHAMBERS, S. and JOHNSTONE, R., 2001. Operations Management. 3rd ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited WILD, T., 2002 TERSINE, R J., 1982. Principles of Inventory and Materials Management. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc TANNINEN, K., PUUMALAINEN, K