The purpose of this paper is to explore key elements for Starbuck pertaining to their success their approach to organizational culture and management’s role in the proven success it has experience globally. Next, to converse about decision-making strategies that Starbuck’s management has implemented to maintain it competitive position in the market place; share a competency that is used by management and why this particular competency assist in the company’s success regarding organizational culture. Lastly, share my opinion on long-term sustainability in the global industry; in addition could the company continue without Mr. Howard Shultz as CEO.
Organizational Culture
In business management it is imperative that strategies are created and implemented so the company can experience growth and increase there revenue; additionally they must consider competition advantage, short and long-term planning to continue to sustain their position in the market, include the global market if it is applicable. In looking at Starbucks as a company a global leader in their respected industry, management had to consider the business strategies previously mentioned. However, management additionally had to consider organizational culture as part as of their strategic planning, along with being culturally sensitive since they operate globally. According to research, “the concept of culture helps managers understand the hidden, complex aspects of organizational life” (Draft, 2012, p.75).
When Starbuck’s management strategically design plans to for company success it requires them to look at various elements both internally and eternally. This is important because when dealing globally the must understand the beliefs, values, etc. before operating in a particular area. Furthermore, internally they have to ensure that their employees understand this information as
well; by doing this it will make
References: Draft, R. (2012). Management (10th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Reid, D. & Sanders, N. (2010). Operations Management. An Integrated Approach (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.