The conceit originally means a concept or an image. It is in general a figure of speech that presents striking parallel between two different things or situations. The history of English poetry witnessed the adaptation of two types of conceit: the petrarchan conceit and the metaphysical conceit. This paper sheds lights on the second type of conceit which was mainly employed by
John Donne (1572-1631) and the other metaphysical poets of the seventeenth century. This paper is composed of three sections and a conclusion that brings about the findings of the study. Section One: is introductory to metaphysical poetry in general. Its major features, major representatives in addition to some critics ' viewpoints concerning it.
Section Two: sheds light on the deep roots of the conceit in the history of the classical and English literature.
Section Three: tackles the metaphysical conceit in English literature with reference to certain poetic examples that are still in mind up-to-date.
Conclusion :sums-up the findings of the study
I.1: Introduction
Metaphysical poetry is a poetic mode, which appeared during the seventeenth century lead by John Donne and succeeded by several other poets as
George Herbert, Andrew Marvell, Henry Vaughan and Richard Carshaw.
Those poets shared a philosophical point of view and strongly opposed the mode of the idealized human nature and of physical love which was a tradition in Elizabethan poetry(Abrams:1999,p158)
At the beginning the name of this school was intended to be derogatory expressing the opposition and hard criticism that it received. Ben Jonson said:
"Donne deserved hanging because he had run roughshod over the conventional rhythm and
(http://spider,Georgetowncollge/www.Metaphysical.com, p.2of6)
The Metaphysical poets were more interested in the
Bibliography: MARTIN 'S, 2001 - Penguin Books, 1990 _ Grieson, H.G.C: Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems of the 17th . Oxford University Press, 1969. Vaughan, Rama Brothers, 2010 _ Lawrence, Karen et al: The McGraw Hill Guide To English Literature, USA, MCGraw Hill Publishing company, 1985 (edit.)London, 1976.