
Babies: The Process Of A Baby

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Babies: The Process Of A Baby
From a helpless newborn to an active toddler: It takes just 12 short months for a baby to undergo an incredible transformation. Babies grow and change at an amazing pace, and every month there are new and exciting developments happening. Do you know how babies are made? We all got the basics covered. A man and woman meet, they have sex, and nine months later, a baby is born. But there's a lot more to it than that.
For this processes to begin there is a few things that need to happen. For starters it takes two. What I mean by that is there are female and male organs working together to produce. For women, the chance of pregnancy begins in the ovaries, those two almond-shaped glands attached to either side of the uterus. Well what is
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Another part of that is the ovary. An ovary is a female reproductive organ in which eggs are produced. The ovaries come fully stocked. A woman is born with 1 to 2 million eggs – more than a lifetime's supply. The eggs begin dying off almost immediately and women never produces any more. So basically after a certain age it’s hard for women to produce babies. Now the second part to this puzzle is the male. A Male’s body works a little bit different. Males don’t produce eggs unlike like females who do. While women are busy with a single egg at the slow pace of about one a month, men are almost constantly at work producing millions of sperm, whose whole purpose in life is to penetrate an egg. While women come complete with all of the eggs they'll ever need, men aren't born with already produced sperm. They have to produce them on a regular basis. The average sperm lives only a few weeks in a man's body, and …show more content…
A placenta is an organ attached to the lining of a woman’s womb during pregnancy. It keeps the unborn baby's blood supply separate from their mothers own blood supply, as well as providing a link between the two. Something I found out was people actually eat the placenta after birth. It sounds gross, but people do it for nutrients. The placenta is like the baby’s power pack, providing the fetus with all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. So many believe it’s really good for you to eat. During pregnancy, the placenta provides oxygen from the air that mom breathes, and nutrients from the food she eats. So it’s really important for the mother to eat healthy and get enough sleep for the fetus to

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