Lisa Montgomery, then 36, (glasses) met Bobbie Jo Stinnett, 26, on a chat room about rat terriers. Lisa went by the alias “Darlene Fischer,” telling Bobbie, who was pregnant at the time, that she was pregnant as well. The two went on to email each other, discussing their pregnancies.…
This documentary by Thomas Balmes was created to immerse viewers in different parts of the world to show how different cultures take care of their babies. The documentary takes viewers to Namibia, Mongolia, Tokyo, and San Francisco so that they can experience the middle of nowhere, as well as organized chaos in the city. The babies that are featured in this film are Ponijao, Baryarjargal, Mari, and Hattie. Ponijao was raised in a small rural village and is shown as soon as the film begins interacting with her siblings in a play-fighting fashion. She was born months earlier in the middle of her Namibian village, with no hospital or Western medicine that the viewer is aware of.…
Furthermore, Underhill’s weaknesses in approaching the study qualitatively are only matched by her ability to effectively describe many of the contemporary customs of the Papago tribe, most of which had prevailed over hundreds of years. She relates the tribe’s unwavering piety to relay animal stories only during particular seasons, the social conventions that govern Papago interactions, and even the tribe’s attitude towards child-rearing. She discusses the lack of thanks in Papago communication and that gifts are repaid with other gifts and are…
“Born into Brothels” by Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman, is a documentary that is overflowing with symbolism. Photography is exposed throughout the documentary; the role of photography is to portray the opportunity that has been granted to these children for them to express themselves. The painting they would engage in was a way for these children to express their emotions through the paintings; Avijit was quoted when he said “I like to draw pictures because I want to express what’s on my mind… I want to put my thought into colors.” Photography and painting was these children’s only way to express their true inner feelings; and that is why it is emphasized throughout the documentary. Briski symbolizes the children’s escape from the Brothels, a brighter future, and the only way out of their misery.…
Briefly describe the setting, action and participant: My first subject is Aubrey, my girlfriend’s daughter who is 6 months old. Her father is African-American and her mother is Asian. It has been very interesting to see the cultural differences we have. Roman, the father was born and raised in the United States. Cecilia, the mother, was raised in the Philippines and has only been in the states about 5 years. I have been amazed at the accuracy of the book in relations to the socio cultural theory. Although, Roman was raised in America his opinions in child raising are very much in tune with the descriptions portrayed in the African society.…
In The Luck of Roaring Camp one can see a different, more nurturing side of nature and humanity. When people realize the fact that the baby has no family they begin to change their ways to better suit the baby. The entire camp feels obligated to be s good role model for the child and to show him the right way to live. The child’s innocence alters the way the men saw themselves and their life styles. Nature welcomed the baby and “took [him] into her broader breast”(para. 14). Nature becomes a maternal…
The documentary entitled Generation Like tries to convince the audience that all teenagers are obsessed with social media and are sucked in to the depths of multiple forms of social media. Throughout the documentary the narrator, Douglas Rushkoff explores the many kinds of social media and how they influence the lives of teens all around the country. He portrays kids to be obsessed with social media and almost makes them look stupid. The argument the film is trying to make it that all kids are obsessed and let social media consume their lives and have nothing to live for but that. Overall, I do believe that kids in our generation are obsessed with social media…
To some people a baby can be the best thing that ever happened to them, but then there are others who have decisions to make. They will go through an important stage in any relationship, the make it or break it stage. The two stories that I will be analyzing will be “Desiree’s Baby” by Kate Chopin and “Hills like White Elephants” by Earnest Hemingway. In both stories the characters found out how babies can be a deciding factor in a relationship, and that’s what I will be focusing on.…
Early care-giving is a major factor for a child to feel secure to explore the world around them (Carbonell, Alzate, Bustamente & Quiceno , 2002). How different is this early care-giving between two cultures such as the United States and Colombia? This is a look at the differences and similiaries of raising girls, both born in 1988, in Colombia and the United States. Both girls were raised in nuclear families, with one older sibling, close enough in age to be a major part of each girl's daily life. One was raised in Colombia, although she moved to the United States at the age of eleven, while the other was raised completely in the United States. Both parents of each girl were interviewed as well as the girl herself.…
Dad woke me up to have breakfast and to get ready to open presents. We had the normal breakfast, and got ready for the day. I got five presents including my stocking. Mom got a glass butterfly wind chime, a magnet with a red panda, and a polar bear. And a key chain with her name on it that I got at the KC zoo gift shop. Dad got a mug, a pair of Bluetooth ear buds and a firefly edition of monopoly we stayed at home for a few hours then we went to grandma Judy’s house I got two pairs of jeans, a tablet stand, and $70…
Throughout my time spent here in Spain, I have found the cross-cultural similarities and differences of child-rearing practices to be an extremely interesting area of study. Comparatively the families of the American and Spanish societies have quite different methods of raising a child and introducing him or her to this world. What is and what is not socially acceptable is the only differing area when looking at any two cultures side-by-side. Certain things that are considered normal for the Spanish culture are looked at as odd from an American perspective; along with the opposite existing when the Spanish people examine American culture. The things that are taught to children living in Africa compared to those that live in America differ much more widely but still serve the same purpose. The different cultures contribute the exact same thing to each respective society in the long-run, a new productive member of each society.…
I was the first baby born on January 4th, 1997 in Lima, Ohio. Then the story began. Growing up I’ve hit a lot of misfortunes and missed out on a lot of opportunities most people had. I’m from a broken home, but a giant ass family. I have four brothers and one older sister, which makes me the baby of the family.…
In this essay I will discuss communication and language development along with intellectual development and learning for children aged 0-3 years and then children aged 3-7 years. I will follow with a discussion on Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s theories in relation to language development relating to communication and intellectual development for children at these ages.…
My life as a teenager would soon be coming to an end and my life as mommy would be coming up faster then expected. It all started June 10th 2012, my family and I had just finished eating our dinner celebrating my achievement of getting my GED. I had received cards, gifts, and even some money from my family members for finally receiving this GED after being out of school for my senior year. Everybody was so happy for me even my dad, which was not a very common emotion for him to express towards me. Unfortunately their happiness would soon be long gone. For it was the night before this that I had five different tests all of which said the same thing in different ways, I was pregnant. I was not ready for this kind of responsibility. I was not ready physically, emotionally, and financially to take care of even myself yet now I had to find a way to provide all of those things for a child. I was only seventeen, turning eighteen in July; I was still a child myself. To many people I would be viewed as a delinquent because of getting pregnant. On the other hand, others might have seen this coming since my mom also had me at a young age. Many also believe all teens who get pregnant will fail. Although these beliefs and views from others were in my head at the time, I knew I needed to tell my family I was pregnant, find out how far along I was, and make a life changing decision.…
Two of the most significant and life changing events that can happen to a person are death of a loved one and the birth of a child. Everyone experiences death throughout life, whether of a gold fish you won at a fair when you were a child or death of a close and valued loved one. But not all people get the joy of experiencing having a child. For me, that has been the most enjoyable thing in my life. But I’m not writing about the birth of my son. I am writing about the journey my wife and I went on to have him.…