Our procedures are we have a means to ensure that all parents are included, consult with parents to find out what works best for them, ensure ongoing communication with parents to improve our knowledge of the child’s needs and to support the family, informing parents about how the setting is run and it’s policies through access to written information…
Medication must be recorded before staff can administer on a form by the parents. It is available at the nursery when they drop off the child. It will include Childs name, Name of the medication and reason for the medication, Time that medicine is required, Amount of medication required, Parents signature and staff’s administers signatures.…
When making formula milk I boil fresh water in the kettle, let it cool down for a while but for no more than half an hour. Once it is cooled I would put the boiled water in the bottle first and add the required amount of powder. When using the hot water this will kill any harmful bacteria in the powder before it is served to the baby. If the bottle then needs further cooling down I would put it under a cold running tap with the cap tightened until ready for feeding…
Documentation: having the required documents in place for each child, such as numbers addresses and if children have allergy’s, and also the recording of things that are happening with children in the setting.…
Avoid surging the baby to the breast or pushing the nipple into the infant's mouth…
Parents’ contact details and emergency contact; like their names, address contact phone number, fees, and hours of care.…
give the baby things like jello water or watermelon seed tea, which is supposed to…
From personal experience, I’ve noticed that babies need far more supervision and care than toddlers or young children. When I babysit a baby, I have to feed it, change its diaper, keep it away from things that could be hazardous to its health as well as put it sleep most of the time. Caring for a toddler requires you to make sure they use the “potty”, make food for them and keep close supervision. With young children, you can let them be a bit more free but you must also keep an eye and them and keep them out of danger.…
Communicate with the parents and be clear they will notify me with any worries or concerns they may have about their child. Make it clear that it is important they tell me about any accidents, injuries or change in circumstances that may affect the child.…
Babies are only used to milk to you need to start to get them used to a move thicker solid type of texture, starting them off with baby rice and pureed fruits and vegetables helps them get used to a thicker texture.…
From our first initial meeting with a parent we will need to find out routine information about sleep patterns, eating, development and play interests. This will enable us to quickly build a relationship with the child and care for them effectively. Giving the parents information about ourselves and our routines will help them understand how we work and enable them to trust and have confidence in our ability to care for their child.…
Build up trust- Always explain simply to a child what is happening and what you intend to do. Do not talk over his or her head. You should not separate a child from his or her mother, father or other trusted person.…
The first visit is the time to ask questions about the baby, such as their feeding pattern, the way they sleep, what type of nappies are used, the comfort objects they have.…
Children’s skin and hair should be appropriately looked after as when children develop they become more and more independent especially in their skin and hair care routines. It is vital to make sure the children are being washed and taught to look after themselves whilst they are being cared for by parents, guardians or staff at the nursery. If a child has really bad skin or an infection he/she will start to feel uncomfortable which is terrible for a young child to go through. Parents and staff members at the setting need to cooperate with one another in order to find out about the child’s skin and hair care routine. Every child may have different routines based on their family’s traditions and needs if the child has an allergy or irritation, the parents will have to advice staff at the setting what products would be best to use for them.…
• Feeding, changing the diaper, putting the baby to sleep before trying anything else, make sure that these basic needs have been met.…