Back To The Basics
Obesity has become a huge epidemic in our American society today. More than one in three adults are considered to be obese. In a survey by the CDC, thirteen percent of United State high school students were found to be obese which means that their body mass index was greater than the 95th percentile. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years! Not only can being obese increase your health risks by many measures, it can also cause psychological problems and reduce your self esteem. This will in turn affect what they will become as adults. People in this generation must make some changes in order to help solve the obesity epidemic in America today. The health of our society is at risk and something must be done. This proposal will address the measures that must be taken in order to reverse this trend in our youth today. Obviously, what is consumed by the body has a direct effect on a persons’ calculated body mass index. Therefore, Americans must get back to the basics of making better food choices. In Attacking The Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out It’s Cause, Jane E. Brody states that “Back in the 40s and 50s, Most meals were prepared and eaten at home, even when both parents worked (as mine did). Eating out was a special event. “Convenience foods” were canned fruits and vegetables, not frozen lasagna or tater tots. A typical breakfast was hot or cold cereal sweetened with raisins or fresh fruit, not a Pop-Tart, jelly doughnut or 500-calorie bagel with 200 calories of cream cheese.” As one can see, the way americans eat today is extremely different and unhealthy. Eating fresh foods like fruits and vegetables must become part of Americans’ every day diet. People must limit the amount of sugary foods and processed goods from a box, and substitute it with well rounded home cooked meals. Today over half the annual food budget is spent