Backward Design
Healthy community
Title: How does a healthy community look like? Subject: English
Topic: Healthy community Grade: 7 Designer: laila
Established Goals:
Talking and listening:
• Communicate in simple formal and informal situations, expressing ideas and opinions clearly.
• Vary strategies for talking and listening according to different familiar purposes and audiences.
• Speak on familiar topics for different purposes, selecting language, grammar and vocabulary to suit the audience and context.
• Present a short speech on a familiar topic fluently and in a way that engages the audience. …show more content…
• Follow or give oral instructions for directions, for example, for a game, recipe or learning activity.
• Work in groups, brainstorm and conferencing in order to deliver a group report.
• Self-correct when speaking.
• Use strategies to read and respond to a range of simple texts for information and enjoyment, making connections between the text and their own experiences.
Read and respond to a range of written and visual texts produced for a range of purposes and audiences.
• Identify how sentences or paragraphs are organized to present information.
• Find specific information in a range of simple factual texts.
• Use an English dictionary to check the meaning and uses of new words.
• Recognize how the grammatical features of a text contribute to it meaning, for example, the use of reference links, word chains, adverbial and adjectival phrases.
• Discuss texts with peers in order to refine their own understanding.
• Explain the ideas, information and points of view in particular texts.
Read closely, analyze and re-read more challenging texts for deeper understanding and appreciation.
• Plan, draft, and edit when writing imaginative and factual texts that relate to their own experiences and interests.
Write clearly for different familiar purposes and audiences, using appropriate language.
• Use grammar and punctuation correctly.
• Use spelling conventions and strategies in spelling and word building …show more content…
• Use knowledge of sentences structure, grammar and punctuation to edit their own writing.
• Work in groups when planning and editing their writing.
Plan, draft, edit and revise their writing.
Use and adopt the conventions of different types of texts, for example, report, biography, explanation and narrative.
Understandings: Essential Questions
Students will understand that….
• There are healthy and unhealthy communities.
• Leisure time is part of being healthy.
• Food pyramid is essential when designing a food menu
• What is a healthy community?
• Are there any healthy communities?
• What is a healthy meal?
• Is leisure time part of being healthy?
• How to write an information report about a healthy community?
Students will know…. Students will be able to…
• Ancient sports
• First Olympics
• Victorian housing (life for poor & life for rich) & health.
• Health facts
• Health misconceptions. • Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy communities.
• Categorize healthy food (protein, carbohydrates .etc)
• Read texts about health
• Write an information report about “how does a healthy community look like”.
• Interpret the food pyramid Performance Task:
Students are to choose one of the following articles “There is more to orange than vitamin C”, “Watermelon: nutritious, delicious and refreshing”, “can stress causes weight gain”, “cost of living” students are to prepare a presentation of the article they read and present it to their classmates.
Key Criteria:
-Cover all important points mentioned in the article.
- Presentation supported by details and examples.
- Visual aids
- Presenter is using her own words
Other Evidence:
• Writing task (write an information report about health and leisure).
• Labeling an
• Quiz on the ancient sports and the Victorian housing
• Creation of a poster about health
Learning Activities:
"The Victorian housing"- an information report text.
Introduce the text "the Victorian housing".
Students are to identify the type of the text.
Students are to identify the features of the text.
Students are to read the first part of the text silently (life for the poor).
Teacher is to project a power point presentation on the life for the poor with some HOTS questions.
Students are to answer questions and discuss them as a whole class.
Students are to give their opinion of how the life was back then.
Students are to answer the first part of the comprehension questions independently.
Students are to read the second part of the text silently (life for the rich).
Teacher is to project a power point presentation on the life for the rich with some HOTS questions.
Students are to compare the life for the poor with the life for the rich.
Students are to answer the second part of the questions independently.
Students are to use their dictionaries to find some "eponymy".
"How do you spend your leisure time?"
Teacher is to write the following question on the board "how do you spend your leisure time".
Teacher is to accept all answers from students.
Teacher is to brainstorm with the students on the board the given question.
Teacher is to give students different magazines.
Students are to work in groups in cutting different pictures that represents things they like to do during their leisure time.
Students are to create a poster of the pictures they collected and paste them in a piece of papers with some headings.
Students are to use that as their brainstorm.
Students are to complete a scaffold.
Students are to start writing their first draft.
Students are to peer-edit each other's first draft.
Students are to write their final draft.
Students are to publish their final draft.
Teacher is to display students work in the classroom.
Sports- 1- "sport in ancient Greece"
Teacher is to start the lesson by writing the title in the middle. She is to ask student retrieve the information they learnt about ancient sports from the "Olympics text".
Teacher is to write students responses on the board.
Teacher is to tell students that they will be reading four different extracts about sports during the ancient Greece from four different authors.
Students are to read the extract in pairs.
Students are to take notes.
Students are to share what they learnt about sports with the class.
Students are to answer the reading comprehension questions independently.
Students are to use their dictionaries to complete the vocabulary activity.
Students are to complete the grammar activity independently.
Teacher is to work on to one with the students who are weak in the grammar part. "Sports" part-2
Teacher is to share with the students' different short video clips about sports.
Students are to identify the sports.
Students are to share what they know about each type of sport and its benefits.
Students are to share what their favorite sport is and why.
Students are to start brainstorming is groups about their favorite sport or the importance of sports.
Students are to complete a scaffold afterwards.
Teacher is to remind students to use compound and complex sentences.
Students are to start writing their first draft.
Groups are to exchange first drafts and edit for each other.
Students are to start writing their final draft.
Reading about food & Presentations
Teacher is to tell students that today they are going to work in groups in preparing a presentation about one of the articles she is going to provide them with. They are:
• There is more to orange than vitamin C.
• Watermelon: nutritious, delicious and refreshing.
• Can stress causes weight gain.
• Cost of living.
Students are to form groups.
Students are to pick an article to work on.
Teacher is to remind students that they should paraphrase the sentences and write them in their own words.
Students are to start working in groups.
• First reading
• Writing notes
• Preparing a presentation
• Presenting their work to class.
Students are to take notes when groups are presenting.