My first family was only able to survive for five years. It seemed like every time things were looking up something unexpected happened to change my circumstances. For example, unexpected droughts, pest attacks, or even rats attacking my rice storages right after I had taken advantage of low prices from the year before. Some of these events almost seemed to happen just because I was doing fairly well. A lot of …show more content…
New policies must resolve difficulties in adapting new technology to certain local and seasonal environments, and should be separate from the effects of politico-economic systems that are dominant and favor the large farmer (Farmer, 1979). I feel that a policy regarding cheap fertilizer would very much benefit the Bahari farmer area, for there would be greater rice yields, and therefore a much more profitable situation. However, there would as be resulting ecological issues from the increased fertilizer, so ultimately increased investment in alternative technology and products integrating pest management would be logical for ecosystem sustainability (Singh, 2000). Policies regarding women’s rights and dowry, should integrate equal treatment of women. The underlying social structure in India needs to change to increase the economic value of women. The social and economic symbolic standing of dowry needs to shift away from that of increased status to the bride’s