By Nikita Pankhania
Background Information:
Bangladesh is a MEDC and one the world’s poorest and most densely populated countries. It is located in South Asia, bordered by India in the north, the Bay of Bengal in the east and west, while Myanmar surrounds it to the south. Bangladesh is the eighth most populous country in the world. Bangladesh is also located on the confluences of the river Ganges and Brahmaputra these are two very large rivers which meet in Bangladesh.
The Bangladesh flood is a result of both physical and human factors because:
Topography: Bangladesh has a low height above sea level which is approximately 2-8m. This means that as the sea level rises more water will be closer to the surface and its 140 million people live mainly on the flood plains of the river Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna therefore they are more susceptible to the flooding and 80% of this floodplain is covered with houses and these are also affected by this vast floodplain and delta.
Location: As stated before, Bangladesh is located on the confluences of the river Ganges and Brahmaputra and this means that
Drainage density: Bangladesh is an area with high density which means there is more water flowing in the area which means that it is more likely to flood.
Urbanisation and concrete: Much of the river Ganges has been diverted for irrigation, which increases the deposition of silt and reduces the channels capacity. This affects the river system, meaning there would be a high chance of flooding. Diverting flow for irrigation however, is only one effect on the river, the other is damming. This is an advantage- as the water can be used for agricultural purposes which an LEDC country like Bangladesh rely heavily upon for income.
Agriculture, Farming and Deforestation: Bangladesh has many deforested areas. Deforestation affects flooding because of interception, if there were more trees