B.Com (General, Computers & Comp. Applns, Tax Procedures & Practices) II Year W.E.F.2009-10
Time: 60 Minutes Record : 10
Skill Test : 20
Total Marks : 30
1. Explain the structure of financial services in the form of a chart.
2. Show the classification of the Indian Financial markets in the form of a chart.
3. Explain the structure of Indian Financial system in the form of a chart.
4. Describe the structure of Commercial Banking in India with the help of a chart.
5. Describe the Functions of commercial banks with the help of a chart.
6. Show the types of loans granted by the Commercial Banks in the form of a chart.
7. Organizational set-up of the Reserve Bank of India in the form of a chart.
8. Explain the different kinds of the Insurance with the help of a chart.
9. Create and fill Application form for Employee State Insurance.
10. Give a sketch of an ATM picture and explain.
11. Draw the Bank note - counting machine chart and explain .
12. Draw a Debit card specimen and fill it.
13. Draw an ATM card specimen and fill it.
14. Draw a Credit card specimen and fill it.
15. Give the specimen form of the ATM card and fill in the necessary information.
16. Give the specimen form to obtain the Debit card and fill it.
17. Give the specimen form to obtain Credit card by giving the details.
18. Explain the structure of a cooperative credit Institution in the form of a chart.
19. Draw the specimen Bank Passbook and fill in the columns.
20. Draw Home Loan application a form by giving the particulars.
21. Bank account opening form – Fill a specimen.
22. Money pay-in-slip – Fill a specimen.
23. Draft