2. What is a bank balance? The amount of cash you have in your bank account.(0.5 points)
3. Name at least two things to consider when choosing a bank.Making sure it is a well known and trusted bank and making sure they policies that deal with the risk that can come with banking. (1.0 points)
4. Name at least two risks banks face. bank panic or bad investments (1.0 points)
Lesson 2 (3.0 points)
1. List the three main types of transactions. Transferring, withdraw, or deposit. (1.0 points)
2. What are debit cards? Money that can be electronically scanned to transfer money from one bank account to another (0.5 points)
3. What is reconciling your bank statement? When you look at your checkbook and your bank statement and make sure everything adds up right. (0.5 points)
4. What is a minimum balance? The least amount of money that you can keep in your account. (0.5 points)
5. What is an endorsement? The signature that is in the back of the check. (0.5 points)