Football is one of the nation's most popular pastimes. Many people like to have people over and have a party and watch the big college game on saturday or watching some NFL football on Sunday. Thanks to the NFL and others we can compete with each other with fantasy football. The sport combines a little bit of some other sports: the hitting of boxing,
the precision passing of basketball, and the comradeship of baseball. Football has the power to bring people together to have a good time and be with friends and family.
Banning football with not solve the concussion problem. Most think that football is a bad sport due to the injuries that happen, they should know that a lot of these injuries are on accident and that things just happen. Concussions are a bad part of the sport because to many of them can cause long term cognitive impairment. Most of the concussions happen during the practice, which is why coaches should dial the hitting in practice down. Coaches can’t control the way their players react, the only thing they can do is control the punishment that happens to them and the rest of the team.
Football has rules for a reason. Many football player get hurt during practices, which means that they shouldn't have a lot of contact during practices. The reason for rules in football is to protect the players from injuries, but some injuries happen on accident. Most parents blame the coaches for what happens to their children, when it is the child's fault. Players with anger issues tend to get carried away and forget the rules and go out of their way to hurt someone, this is when a player will get seriously injured. If coaches don’t reinforce the rules to their players they could be seriously injured or even if it gets to worse, suspended from the game.
In Conclusion