In 1988, the projector market in unit terms is around 31,000 (31,054)
In 1988, ElectroHome has sold 1,585 units – 1,157 (73%) data and 428 (27%) graphics ( Page 10 - 1st line )
In 1988, ElectroHome has 11% of the data market and 44% of graphics projector market (Page 8 - Table E)
Total units in market of data projectors = 1,157/.11 = 10,518
Total units in market of graphics projectors = 428/.44 = 972
Data & graphics projectors account for 37% of total units. (Page 5 - Table A)
Total projector units in 1988 = (10,518 + 972 ) / .37 = 31,054
Below is a summary of the units in 1988 and projections in 1989 1988 1989 ( projected )
Video 19,564 19,579
Data 10,518 11,811
Graphics 972 1,360
Total 31,054 33,693
2. Describe Barco’s product line evolution over time – focus on the time when different products in the line were introduced and upgraded.
Barco entered the projection systems market in 1981 with the development of a video projector for showing motion pictures in airplanes. Its first projector, named the BarcoVision1 (BV1) was well-received and sold strongly in the U.S and European markets. After this success, Barco’s board of directors met to evaluate the company’s three potential directions: (1) It could downgrade its technology to suit consumer video applications (2) it could upgrade its technology for long-distance, high-performance video projection or (3) it could enter the untested market for computer applications. Seeing significant potential expansion in the projection market for computer applications, Barco made the decision to grow its projection division. In 1983, BPS introduced the BarcoData 1(BD1), the first computer compatible projector.
In 1984, the company continued on its trajectory of focusing on product improvements and introduced the BV2 and BD2 at higher scan rates. As its product line continue to evolve, BPS aimed to sustain the fast