
Baron De Montesquieu Separation Of Power

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Baron De Montesquieu Separation Of Power
The Enlightenment was a movement that swept Europe with new ideas and philosophy, which brought about change and social reform. The Enlightenment also spread ideas that guided the founding fathers as they established democracy in America. The key ideas from the Enlightenment that influenced democracy were Baron de Montesquieu’s views on the separation of power within the government, the Magna Carta’s ideas of checks and balances on the power of any leader, and the promise that everyone deserves basic rights.

The Baron de Montesquieu felt that government’s three basic powers should be divided up and always remain separate. He believed that Judicial, Legislative, and Executive responsibilities should not rely on one person nor one group.
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Together they inspired the Founding Fathers to have three branches of the government, hold one power, with the ability to keep the other two in balance. One particular passage of the Magna Carta set up a system in which a king’s power can be checked by the council of barons. This set the stage for the executive branch and legislative branch to check one another. The Baron, of course, knew the Judicial powers must not rely on either of those groups. “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…” , the opening line of the Declaration of Independence states. Thomas Jefferson was familiar with and guided by Enlightenment Ideals. He proclaimed the philosophy, a philosophy inspired by The Enlightenment’s ideas, of the American government to the king of England in order to justify their rebellion from Britain. He then used this document to guide and establish the United States. He and the other Founding Fathers believed that people’s basic rights should be protected and can’t be taken from them, as stated in the Declaration of Independence. Once, the constitution strengthens the Government they recognized that in order to protect these rights they need another document. Therefore, they created the bill of rights to insure people basic rights and

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