NC Essential Standard Bio.4.1.3 Explain how enzymes act as catalysts for biological reactions
I can explain how enzymes catalyze chemical reactions.
I can recognize the ideal conditions (temperature, pH, enzyme and substrate concentrations) for enzyme activity by observing and analyzing graphs
Open the Virtual Lab: Enzyme Controlled Reactions here
The virtual lab simulation will be on the right side of the screen, and the “Question” column will be on the left side of the screen.
Click the monitor in the lab simulation to watch a video about enzyme action.
Click the “Information” bar at the bottom of the lab simulation and read all the background information.
Read all background information and instructions in the “Question” column. It will also be helpful to read here
Answer the following questions based on your knowledge of enzymes. EXPLAIN your answers!!
Written answers or answer explanations
1. Which of the following does NOT apply to an enzyme:
a) Catalyst
b) Inorganic
c) Protein
d. all of the above apply to an enzyme
2. When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction:
a) Substrate(s) bind in the active site
b) Products bind in the active site
c) The shape of the enzyme remains unchanged
d) The enzyme is consumed by the reaction
3. Which of the following would interfere most with the ability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction?
a) Reduced concentration of substrate available
b) Reduced concentration of product available
c) Increased concentration of substrate available
d) A change in the pH
4. Which of the following statements is accurate in describing the activity of the lactase enzyme during the reaction?
a) Lactase can function equally effectively at many different pH levels
b) The shape of lactase does not change
c) Lactase is converted to glucose and galactose
d) One lactase enzyme can catalyze many reactions