Department of Civil Engineering
D.M.College of Engineering
Sector-3, Airoli, New Mumbai- 400 708
Abstract: The Base Isolation is one of the passive control techniques to reduce the earthquake effect on the structure up to negligible level. Base isolation system are, Elastomeric Bearing, Sliding
Isolation System and Combined Systems. Elastomeric bearing has a problem of tearing of rubber under severe earthquake. Sliding isolation system consists of deflecting the earthquake energy by incorporating flexible device between foundation and super structure. In combined system elastomeric and sliding system act in parallel. Sliding isolation system found to be more effective under all types of earthquake, since it has large sliding displacement.
Keywords: base isolation, friction pendulum, bearings, isolators, earthquake, lead-rubber bearing,
acceleration. Consequently the conventional structures experience lower displacements and base isolated structure high displacement at isolated level. Since large displacement is at isolator level, the super structure displaces as a rigid body in case of base isolated structure INTRODUCTION
If it is possible at one and the same time to hold up the building and let the ground move underneath then the large displacements, story drift and hence damage to the super structure will be greatly reduced. Base isolators reduce the structural response by filtering the seismic excitation and by dissipating energy, thereby reducing the energy that need to be dissipated by structure. The ground accelerations induce large displacements at the isolator level and minimize the acceleration and story drift of super structure. The isolation system does not absorb the earthquake energy, but rather deflect it through the dynamics of the system. Most of the isolators work through a combination of deflecting